David Youhas
Life Empowerment Coach
My experience comes from life lessons, walking through the fires and trials of life. I experienced a dramatic transformation after a divorce, I accomplished significant weight loss, exercise, and began running, and I overcame a personal lifelong eating disorder.
I work with individuals in transition who want to realize major changes in their life. With health, relationships and finances. I am passionate about seeing others empower themselves with resilience, courage, taking action and moving forward, through and beyond challenges. Accomplishing the future you desire.
I lost over 100 pounds and ran 6 marathons in two years. I transformed myself physically and financially. I ran the Chicago Marathon twice. Champaign Illinois Marathon twice. Sacramento California Marathon and the Columbus Ohio Marathon. My best time was in Chicago with a 3:57:30 for the 26.2 mile run.
During my experience, I began the pursuit of coaching, NLP and hypnosis. I attended Landmark Education courses, the forum, and advanced classes. I also have my C.C. certification in public speaking, through Toastmasters International.
I am a board-certified master hypnotist, board-certified master NLP practitioner and master Time Line Therapy practitioner. I am a master vision board coach, performance coach, relationship coach, a speaker at hypnosis conferences and an international speaker.
David Youhas